The role of entrepreneurial behaviours and practice in the educational sector

The imperative for a competitive advantage

Improving education is the most important part of the UK’s long-term economic growth strategy. The potential gains from getting this right are huge, including raising living standards and boosting social mobility. But we still have a system where some young people fall behind and never catch up.” CBI (2013)



Britain is the 6th largest economy in the world. This competitive position has been maintained largely due to a successful knowledge and financial business base. Over the last 20 years the national industrial base has diminished and the future will be dependent on the quality and availability of a highly adaptable and skilled workforce. The CBI have identified that schools are not providing or developing quick enough this skill base, and that it needs to be a national priority.

In this report it is suggested that the deficit of skills is due largely because of leadership deficits in the educational provision which is still based on a 19th century model of learning and leadership. In business there has been a growing interest in the importance and development of entrepreneurialism, particularly leadership capabilities. It is proposed that by developing entrepreneurial leadership in school leadership this will greatly support the national agenda for developing an effective workforce fit for the 21st century.

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